Native advertising is an important marketing choice in every properly setup marketing ecosystem. It is always important to diversify outside the walled gardens and the appearance of your ads within a trusted environment is key to your brand success. We use the latest native advertising formats and appropriately leverage them to meet your campaign goals at any stage of the funnel. We effectively target and buy native advertising across media in the USA.

Native advertising is a type of advertising that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. In many cases, it functions like an advertorial and manifests as a video, article, or editorial.

There are critics of native advertising. Native advertising is a more insidious encroachment into consumer media content than any prior form of advertising. Billions of banner ad impressions may annoy readers, but they don’t misdirect users by disguising the source of the message — and this is exactly what native does.

Native display ads are priced similarly to regular display ads: cost per thousand (CPM). The usual costs for these types of budgets run at about $10-20 per thousand impressions. Native advertising is more effective than traditional display advertising. Consumers look at native ads 53 percent more frequently than display ads. Native ads drive a 9 percent lift for brand affinity compared to banner ads. Native ads are more shareable (32 percent) than display ads (19 percent).


Published On: April 1st, 2021 / Categories: Advertising Techniques /

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