As Election Day approaches, Attention Interactive is prepare ads about social issues, elections or politics to run with adequate time ahead of the advertising restriction period from October 27, 2020 12:01 AM Pacific Time through November 3, 2020 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

With the US 2020 elections approaching in November, many social media advertising destinations are introducing a restriction period for ads about social issues, elections or politics in the US. All ads about social issues, elections or politics in the US will be set up and running prior to October 27, a week prior to Election Day. This will allow ample time for Attention clients to ensure their campaigns are accurate and allow the content of these ads to be seen, discussed, and responded to before the polls close.

Ads about social issues, election or politics in the US that are approved and delivering impressions prior to October 27 will be allowed to continue through November 3.

To obtain best practices and guidance to help you monetize your advertising during this time and avoid any unnecessary delays please contact your Attention account manager.

Please note that the restriction period applies to any advertisers, including brands, NGOs, political candidates, etc. who want to run ads about social issues, elections or politics. This includes social issue ads, and “get out the vote” ads, which require you to be authorized and include a “Paid for by” disclaimer on your ads.


Published On: October 7th, 2020 / Categories: Digital Advertising /

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